
Home / artists / Robert Morris

Robert Morris

  • Mixed Media
  • Sculpture
  • Wood
Robert Morris is a multi discipinary artist, whose current inquiry is a kinetic sculptural exploration investigating how each viewer's unique combination of experience, awareness and knowledge affect their engagement with the sculpture and themselves. Robert's relationship with his work, informed by decades of crafting wood and fabric boats, with hand tools, steam and artificial sinew, is profoundly physical, and deeply engaged with material and movement. A former photographer in the Canadian Armed Forces, Robert currently teaches art, photography and animation at a lower mainland secondary school, and maintains a studio at MakerLabs in Vancouver. A graduate of University of Concordia, Simon Fraser University, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and OCAD, Robert has worked at numerous museums galleries and historic sites.  In his business, Brewery Creek Small Boat Shop, he has taught traditional arctic qajaq (kayak) building for twenty five years across North America and in Taiwan. He was invited to Kugaaruk, Nunavut for three summers to work with elders, where he learned to build Netsilingmeot qajaq. He is the author of Building Skin and Frame Boats, featured in the NFB documentary Caribou Kayak and was a founding co-coordinator of Gallery Gachet.      
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