
Home / artists / Bubble Fight Club

Bubble Fight Club

  • Jewellery
  • Mixed Media
  • Painting

The first rule of Bubble Fight Club is: DO talk about mental health.

Leslie Martin is a bipolar artist who cares a lot about mental health and paints with watercolor soap bubbles. Her works are largely about the fragility of perception and how we see the world.

The goal of Bubble Fight Club is to teach people how to reframe the way they interact with others and the world so they will be able to put their experiences in a different perspective.  Leslie cannot control where the bubbles she is blowing at the canvas will go, how they will look when they hit the canvas, or if they will even touch the canvas at all.  What she can control is how she frames it afterwards to make it something beautiful.

She makes jewelry with pieces of bubble art, and ear flourishes, which are earrings that hook behind the ear so you don’t have to pierce your ears to wear them.  She also makes keychains and other media that contain affirmations and reminders of how to talk to oneself and others kindly.

    You can arrange an appointment with artist by connecting with them directly